Exeter, United.
"The more you tell lies about me, the more we'll tell the truth about you."
This incredible discussion on the Promenade and choosing an architect begins at 1:24:39 minutes into the this video and ends at 2:00:43 minutes. They schemed and planned to buy the Promenade, misappropriating money from the sewer plant to close the deal, now you will hear them admitting that they don't have enough information, they don't know what to do!! In the beginning of this comedy you will hear all of them claim we need to wait, Mr. Staub says " I won't chose an architect at this time" yet in the end, he will. We will offer KCBA (as I predicted over week ago) a revised FRP. This company did plans and evaluations 4 years ago after John Granger became our manager. They are Granger cronies (n my opinion) They did evaluations on existing facilities. Now, they are hiring them again , 4 years latter to do the same thing. Clarence Hamm complains about their plans as inadequate. So, if they want a new look, why not hire one of the other firms? Do they think KCBA will have new ideas for the same old facilities? Does everyone else see this very stupid idea? Please, listen to the discussion and judge for yourself? Also, a new wrinkle has been added, Mr. Galtere (former school principle in Boyertown) and Johnny Cusadist want to add an olympic pool to the Promenade Rec center. Galtere claims its for the public....I say what's wrong with Crestwood or the beautiful pool at Carsonia Park? Want an indoor pool? Join Golds Gym. Cusatis on the other hand feels since the exeter school system has a swim program but no pool, we taxpayers should provide that pool for the school. Boy O Boy, they surely love to spend our hard earned tax money!! Listen near the end of the meeting, where Laura Getz forgets one of the public comments on non-agenda items from Mr. Terry Reilly, Mr. Reilly is a CPA and a retired professor from Albright who taught accounting and auditing. He mentions the mis-appropriation of $7 million dollars that he thinks (and agree) was taken from the sewer fund to pay for the Promenade!!! Why was it missed and played after the Supervisors reports? That wasn't a mistake....they hope you won't hear it. GO TO 2:56:30 TIME STAMP TO HEAR THIS CPA ASK/COMMENT ON THE $ 7,000,000. Note, this issue was well discussed last year and Mr. Speece simply can not remember the $7 million and when they actually bought the Promenade! What? Really? Would you forget if you were a supervisor about $7 million or forget buying the Promenade for $2, 250,000? Dave Speece forget many things. Without public oversight who would know? Speece and Cusatis say things that are misleading and often false...but who checks them? They have raised the level of lying to a new art form! Since the arrival of Vanderlaan and Granger and the hiring of Fox and Rothschild we have wasted close to and perhaps more than $8 million dollars of taxpayer funds. Again: Click on Read more for the agenda items:
It is a sad situation here in Exeter Township. We have a group of supervisors (the boys club) who do not hide their animus towards any private citizen who might criticize what they do or the policies they adopt. They will openly attack the very same citizens they were elected to serve. The treatment from Cusatis and Speece toward the public must be recognized. Recently, they have circled the wagons on criticism regarding the use of assets and procedures that simply were ignored. Attacking those who mention this and doing what they do best when they can’t support the facts or the acts. They attack the messenger and attempt to make him or her the subject. They try to divert the attention from the real issue instead of addressing the citizens concerns. Despicable behavior by our elected official. You will see it clearly here in this video. What else will you see? A more pronounced effort to conduct business not listed on the “agenda”. This business is conducted suddenly during “Dept. Reports” or "Supervisors Reports”. Since it is not listed on the agenda the public is unable to make comments concerning the issue. The transparency Speece and the new supervisors promised are simply a joke on the public. In this meeting you will hear in the Dept report Mr. Hamm asking the board to increase the Finance director’s stipend from $300 to $500. Not on the agenda and no reason why it was not. He points out he sent a memo to all supervisors and it still did not show up on the Agenda. During the supervisors report, they motion to spend another $3,000 for background checks on potential managers. In and of themselves, this business is reasonable and should have been listed on the agenda. Clearly these things were known before the meeting. Mr. Speece and the board claim they use “Roberts Rules of Order”. Well, I haven’t seen that happen yet. They may, at the beginning of the meeting ask the board if there are any pressing issues that any of the staff or supervisors wish to add to the agenda. This is how business should be conducted, unless you are trying to get something past the public….where is the transparency that Speece, Galtere and Staub promised us? They are completely tone deaf to the voters who put them in office. Particularly two of the three newly elected supervisors, Joe Staub and Greg Galtere. It is my opinion they won this recent election because we expected them to lead our community in a different direction. Unfortunately, we see they have joined with the two supervisors who have been on the board for two years or more, who supported and voted to sell the wastewater treatment plant. They are responsible for the future increases in water and sewer rates. They still claim they support the sale. As recent as this May 11th meeting David Speece reiterated that he supported the sale, voted for the sale, and thought it was the right choice. His boss, John Cusatis during this meeting attacked Michelle Kircher when she discussed her many years involved in the formation of the sewer plant, its good condition, how in recent years Vanderlaan, Cusatis, Granger deferred maintenance. Both of the narratives that Mr. Speece and the young boy Cusatis claim promote are completely false, misleading and an outright lie. They never, ever tell you that the plant was making $3 to $4 million a year, more than enough to maintain the plant is good condition. Also, you will never hear them discuss the $7 million CD that matured in 2019. This $7 million was from connection fees and retained earnings in the early years. The $7 million was designated for maintenance and/or debt reduction. You will never hear the SPEECE/CUSATIS regime discuss these facts. Why did they sell it? This is something I have studied for over a year. In my opinion and my conclusion is they wanted the huge cash that resulted in the sale of the Wastewater Sewer Plant. After paying off the debt for the plant and unnecessary funding pension plans, they had at the end of 2019 about $40 million left from the sale and along with other monies, about $56 million in total. They will use most of this money to build government buildings at the Promenade and other projects to continue to promote the development plan that Simone Collins created for Vanderlaan and Granger. This development plan is available on exeterunited.com and you are encouraged to read and study this ridiculous plan. Designed to put taxpayer money into the hands of consultants and contractors of Granger associates and another special interest that essentially owns most of the board. In this meeting video watch how one of our elected officials, John Cusatis, as he attacks and belittles the private citizens who submitted public comment. He makes comment such as: Falsehoods, old news, move on, he needs new material, attacks on another supervisor interrupting her comments and claiming, “not true” adding "he is done" and "I have proved it". We must accept as fact everything he says, only HIS information is acceptable as accurate. He never provides any facts or key information. He is truly a cancer in our community. This is the guy who voted to throw the vendor out of the RCC and initiated the lawsuit that has cost us over $4 million dollars. He was also involved in another Federal lawsuit brought by a non-profit against our township for violation of disabled peoples federal rights in care homes. This lawsuit cost the taxpayer over $200,000. Speece and Cusatis are the last remnants of the old regime but they have incorporated the other two supervisors to support everything that the voters wanted changed and support everything the old regime (and that special interest) wants. FINALLY, NOTE THE ADMONITION FROM MR. SPEECE WHERE HE TELLS US WE MAY HAVE ONLY 3 MINUTES OR LESS FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS AND WE MUST BE RESPECTFUL, WE ALSO MUST BE CAREFUL AND WATCH OUR TONE. REALLY? THEY ARE MONITORING OUR TONE? UNFORTUNATELY, THIS APPLYS ONLY TO PRIVATE CITIZENS INTERACTING WITH THE SUPERVISORS. THE SUPERVISORS ARE NOT HELD TO THE SAME STANDARDS, THEY MAY INSULT EACH OTHER, THEY CLEARLY ARE PERMITTED TO INSULT, INTIMIDATE AND RIDICULE THE VOTERS/RESIDENTS OF EXETER TOWNSHIP, THE EVIDENCE SUPPORTS THIS BEHAVIOR. They want respect but give none in return, this is a corrupt and leaderless government!! THE PUBLIC EXPECTS RESPECT FROM OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS AND A REAL INTEREST IN OUR CONCERNS! Click on "Read MORE" for index times This meeting was held without public attendance. Business which was not listed on the publicly advertised agenda was conducted by the board that involved the use of and the spending of taxpayer assets. PLEASE CLICK BELOW "READ MORE" SELECT AGENDA ITEM AND CLICK ON TIME STAMP
July 2024