Exeter, United.
"The more you tell lies about me, the more we'll tell the truth about you."
PUBLIC COMMENTS: Comments on Agenda Items @ 7:59
REGULAR APPROVALS @ 10:54 Prior to approval of Regular minutes correct error @ 10:57 1. Regular Minutes – June 28, 2021 @ 11:58 2. Disbursements – July 12, 2021 @ 12:20 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Monthly Golf Report @ 15:39 ▪ This report is available for review on the Township website. 2. Monthly Right to Know Report @ 18:50 ▪ This report is available for review on the Township website. NEW BUSINESS @ 19:30 1. Authorize Advertisement of Request for Proposal for Dining Services at the Reading Country Club ▪ The administration is seeking authorization to advertise an RFP for dining service operations at the Reading Country Club. The administration has seen some recent interest in the facility and would like to move forward with officially seeking potential interested operators. 2. Consider Awarding Municipal Facility Trash Service Contract to Republic Services in the amount of $33,767.30. @ 23:42 ▪ Bids were received by the township on Friday, July 9th. Four bids were received, Republic Services was the low bidder. The administration recommends awarding the contract at this time. 3. Consider Approving Updated List of 2021 Paving Projects Funded by Liquid Fuels @ 27:16 ▪ The planned 2021 paving program has been updated to take advantage of low blacktop prices. During budget preparation, a total of $636,429 was budgeted for paving/Raul U Mac projects. The Public Works Department is requesting to pave additional roads as approved by our Liquid Fuels Agent, rather than use Raul U Mac, for a total program cost of $520,823.94. 4. Approve Appointment to Planning Commission to Fill Current Vacancy @ 33:06 ▪ The Planning Commission has a current opening, applications were received by the Administration with a 7/9/21 deadline. Four applications were receivd, the Board is being asked to make an appointment to the Commission at this time. 5. Authorize Advertisement of Ordinance Amending the Recycling Ordinance. @ 34:33 ▪ The Administration is seeking authorization to advertise an ordinance that would amend the existing Recycling Ordinance by adding clarifying language and updating definitions. 6. Adopt Proclamation Declaring July 16, 2021 as Park and Recreation Professionals Day @ 38:39 ▪ Park and Recreation Professionals Day, celebrated during National Park & Recreation Month, honors essential industry professionals by recognizing their invaluable contributions to our communities. This proclamation allows for official recognition and observation of Park and Recreation Professionals Day. 7. Adopt Resolution Supporting the Pennsylvania Commission for the United States Semi-Quincentennial (America250PA). @ 40:30 ▪ In 2026 the United States and Commonwealth of PA will celebrate their 250th anniversary. The Pennsylvania legislature and the Governor created AMERICA250PA in 2018 to plan, encourage, develop, and coordinate the commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the United States and Pennsylvania’s integral role in that event. Berks County has executed a resolution declaring its intent to highlight the significance of the event, and has asked that the 72 Berks municipalities join their effort by adopting a similar resolution. DEPARTMENT REPORTS @ 42:40 Highway @ 42:40 Engineering: @ 43:15 Police @ 43:20 Solicitor @ 44:45 TwP Manager @ 44:46 PUBLIC COMMENT – General Non-Agenda Items David Hughes from 51:15 to 54:00 discussion on Budget Amendments and Galtere attacks on citizens and false complaints Rest of Public comment starting @ 46:21 all Gun Club related SUPERVISOR REPORTS @ 1:29:00 Piho @ 1:29:03 Kircher @ 1:29:48 Staub @ 1:30:20 discusses Newsletter problem, financial review net meeting Speece @ 1:32:09 Galtere @ 1:32:33 reads prepared statement concerning Stairs project Dunn to Library
I sent this short video to all the Supervisors and staff responsible for these minutes. Hoping they would correct them before officially accepting them.
These minutes are presented as draft minutes on the township website for approval at the 7.12.21 meeting for the prior meeting of June 28th. Not one supervisor reviewed these minutes until I presented this video pointing out the many errors. We have been told that the minutes are the official record of what transpires a these meeting....yet they are presented in this condition? In 2020 the secretary who takes these minutes was paid over $62,000!!! Should we expect better spelling? Better accuracy? You will hear Chairmen Greg Galtere enumerate the errors for correction...but check the final version because I think he missed the last page and the errors I identify there. So, in the meeting they recognize my short video pointing out the errors. If I had not done this, they would have simply approved the minutes as written...errors and all..... the Supervisors do not review the minutes before accepting them. YOU BE THE JUDGE-IT's YOUR TAX DOLLARS Categories
July 2024