Exeter, United.
"The more you tell lies about me, the more we'll tell the truth about you."
As this clip will attest Greg Galtere, current chairman of the Exeter Township Board of Supervisors refuses to allow public comment by a resident. This, along with recent decisions to stop providing draft minutes to the public prior to voting their acceptance, and a recent announcement by Galtere at the July BoS meeting that he will not answer any questions presented to him during the public comment period continue to suppress public involvement and it looks like this is the most regressive government in Exeter Township history. (note: Galtere violated the Open Meeting Law, Sunshine Act by not permitting the comment) Note: According to the Office of Open Records site on Public comments it is not required to answer questions but they suggest that by answering questions the Township can save time and money by reducing RTK requests. The township, current and former supervisors, all have complained about the cost of RIGHT TO KNOW requests but refuse to use this opportunity to reduce those costs. See below the Office of Open Records opinion on this issue: Can the public ask questions during the comment period? Yes. Although members of the agency are not required to provide an answer, it is a good practice to do so whenever possible. Answering questions can demonstrate a commitment to helping constituents and, in many cases, answering questions informally at a public meeting can reduce future requests under the Right-to-Know Law, which saves time and money for both the agency and the commenter / requester.
July 2024