Exeter, United.
"The more you tell lies about me, the more we'll tell the truth about you."
The Charge at the 9.13.21 BoS as bad behavior prevails: Chairman Galtere sits and watches his show.9/30/2021 A Mr. Hoffman originally from Philly starts out praising the board then turns on Mr. Howell a 74 year old Vietnam veteran.
I was sitting right next to him. The bull charge stopped short of touching any of us...watch as Galtere, Speece and Staub calmly watch and listen to Galtere say "thank you" when Hoffman calls us children. The problem is with the BoS, they do not speak into the one directional mikes and apparently some where not working (conveniently) and this has been an issue for years. Mr. Howe asked for them to speak up, and he stated its the law. This is true, the requires that all attending the meeting can hear clearly the deliberations. As we know, the BoS doesn't seem to care about that, Michele Kircher and David Speece are veterans board members and Staub was on the School Board and you would think they understand this problem. Does anyone see the dysfunctional Board I see? This violent behavior we think might have been planned. Will you voters stop this on November 2nd and put mature and intelligent Supervisors on the Board?
See the attitude in this cramped, stuff, windowless room as the comments come flying at Galtere as his regime spins out of control. The grim faces around the table tell the story :
0:00 Start 1:53 Here are clips of comments made by me on the lack of transparency and discussion on the promises Galtere, Speece and Stub made in early 2020 after Galtere and Staub were elected. 4:10 Then my comments on the failure to hold a town-hall meeting regarding the employment of a manager for the Restaurant. I also comment on the fact they did not provide the audit report for review before they held this meeting, inviting us to ask question on a report we had not yet seen and finally I discuss the malicious withholding of the draft minutes until approved. 9:25 Dianna Reeser discuses the letter Galtere sent out claiming that she and Michelle Kircher will do what ever I tell them to do....she gives GALTERE a good scolding. This clip from the 9.13.21 Board Of Supervisors Meeting Shows the presentation by Chris Herr from Maillie CPA firm.
They did our audit for 2020. This is what I would call the "happy" presentation or the "everything is beautiful" Audit. Please note: 1. The audit was completed in July, July 8th to be exact and if you listen carefully you will hear the auditor say so. I did not know this at the time, how could I, no one in the public as of that time had access to the audit report. Now we know the audit was complete and signed off by Maillie on July 8th. Our supervisors should have made this available to us almost immediately but they did not. Waited until September 20th to post on the Township website. 2. The audit is required to be completed before April 1 following the completed prior year. Don't listen to the excuses, you will hear Chris Herr say many of his clients still have not completed their audit with him. Let me say this, I have worked for very large corporations with thousands if not millions of transactions and they completed the audit in 90 days or less. There is really no excuse not to meet the government requirement. 3. Presented the overfunded Pension Plans as a positive aspect of the government activities. But is it? What they did was prematurely move about $10 million of taxpayer money into Pension funds that were adequately funded. Exposing these monies to extreme market risk but also depriving our local government the income generated by $10 million in our bank accounts. Secured money rates are low, 1 to 1.5 interest rate but we woulds have made at least $150,000 to our accounts and rest easy at night that we had zero market risk. 4. Spent about $1 million on Equipment and vehicles in 2020 5. RCC assets reported at $14.7 million with $400,000 in depreciation and mentioned no additional increase in depreciation. This seems odd since we know they approved and purchase some large items for the Golf Course, where are these items depreciated? 6. They present the fact the RCC revenue increase from $645k in 2019 to $870k in 2020 but make no mention of the corresponding losses of $1.6 million in 2019 and the 2020 loss of $390k. Loss improved but its sill a significant loss.The loss only improved because the legal expenses went away and the expenses dropped from $2.2 million in 2019 to $1.2 million in 2020. All legal expenses. A million $ in legal expenses? 7. No mention of the Capital injection of $2.8 million of Taxpayer funds transferred to the RCC. Thats right, wasn't made know nor was it obvious and it was slipped by all of us. 8. Not a mention nor could I find an analysis of the $2 million accounts receivable that had been presented at previous Board meetings. We know that about $1.6 million may be the sewer accounts, what is the almost additional $400,000 receivables, taxes? Is this net of uncollectible? Where is the aging of A/R? except buried in management notes they mention General Fund Revenue was down $900k for 2020 noting the township was relying on sewer account A/R which seems really odd that this would be a budgeted revenue item. I don't think it was, this was thrown in for confusion. the way its present they say they anticipated collecting $1.2 million of sewer collectables but only collect $625k. Still this would have meant a A/R outstanding of $1.8 million and the last time they presented the outstanding sewer A/R was $1.6 million. Much of this is very old A/R and most if not all should be viewed as uncollectible because much of it is many years old. This is a serious issue the Auditor missed!! 9. As mentioned General Fund Revenue came in $900k less than expected and the went over the budget by $430,000. Now listen to this, they claim they under-budgeted for recycle collection program but this is total nonsense. They went out for bids and accepted the bid and knew what the cost would be. What they really did was to switch midstream from collection twice a month to every week. They blew out the budget and we must hold them accountable. 10. They failed to adequately adjust the budget or the millage to meet spending requirements. They utilized the reserves (sewer fund proceeds) to supplement the budget. Not the best way to run our government. It will come home to roost but when they are long gone. Overall it seems the independent auditor was not independent. I've never seen a presentation like this one, no negatives, they certainly danced around the RCC loss and the $2.8 million cash injection of taxpayer funds into the RCC. The over budget spending .....you did not hear any of that in the presentation. This video is created specifically as a message to the Exeter Police Department. This video is to assure all of you in the police department that the current incumbent, Supervisor and Chairman of the Board is OUT OF ORDER himself. His crazy claim that I would cut the force by 30% is an attempt to sow FEAR into the public. Something that no leader should ever attempt to do, confidence, self-assurance and compassion are the key ingredients of a leader. Is this the leader you want for Exeter Township? My impression is that he is not confident to the point of complete fear and irrationality. Is he sincere in this email or is he simply attempting to scare his supporters into contributing the $10,000 he claims he needs? This job doesn't pay much, less than $3,000 a year. You don't run for Supervisor for the salary, but for the unseen benefits. YOU WILL READ HIS FEAR AND PARANOIA ESPECIALLY WHEN HE CLAIMS I HATE HIM. I don't hate you Mr. Galtere, just very disappointed with you. IT IS GREG GALTERE WE MUST STOP: YOU DECIDE ON NOVEMBER 2ND. HERE IS THE EMAIL COMPOSED BY CHAIRMAN GALTERE IN ITS ENTIRETY: --------- Forwarded message --------- From: Greg Galtere [email protected] Date: Thu, Aug 26, 2021 at 13:56 Subject: Supervisor election To: Greg Galtere [email protected] I hope this email finds you safe and well! As you probably know, I have decided to run for re-election for Exeter Township Supervisor. To be honest, this is a decision I struggled with. My original plan was to serve two years and then step aside. I have been encouraged by many to reconsider that plan. I am still very committed to other community service projects such as the Exeter Area Food Pantry and Hack Away at Hunger and Poverty and want to make sure I live up to all my commitments. I have put a lot of thought into it and feel I will be able to. Unfortunately, this election is much different than the last time I ran. The stakes are much higher because of my opponent. Last time, I respected my opponent and knew he wanted what was best for the community. I do not feel the same about my opponent in this election. Here are a few of the reasons: 1. He treats people poorly, especially the township staff. He has said his intentions are to fire the top administrators of the township. You may say one person can’t do that. However, two of the supervisors for next year are supporters of his. He has told people that they will do whatever he tells them to do. 2. He wants to sell Reading Country Club even though we would still owe millions of dollars on it. His position has changed on RCC primarily because of his hatred for me. 3. He has stated that he plans on cutting 30% of the operating budget. While that may appeal to people, it is important to understand what that means: 30% less police officers. 30% less highway department workers to plow snow. 30 % less funding for recreation programs and the library. Of course, he has no specifics. But these are real possibilities if he is in office. You can get the sense of what we are dealing with. I would prefer to write about accomplishments; unfortunately, we need to make our community/voters aware of what could happen if we don’t win. BOTTOM LINE: I need your help. This election cannot be won by a handful of people. Election Day is November 2 which is not that far away. After November 2, we must live with what is decided. Don’t be in a position where you say, “I wish I did more to help.” Help now. How can you help? Contributions If you are willing to contribute to my campaign financially, I would appreciate it. All contributions will be spent on the campaign. We have a strong campaign plan, but it will require $10,000. Every contribution is needed to help meet that goal. You can be sure that every cent is spent on the campaign. Checks can be made out to Galtere for Exeter and mailed to 11 Nancy Circle, Reading, PA 19606. If you give cash, I will need your address. Social Media If you are on Facebook, go to “Galtere for Exeter Township Supervisor” and “like” it. Please also share it with your friends. Social media is the key to local elections in today’s environment. Endorse Me Will you write a few sentences encouraging people to vote for me, highlighting your reasons for your support? They were very effective last time and helped me keep a constant social media presence. Volunteer I need people to help with many tasks such as assembling, delivering and posting yard signs, distributing flyers, helping on Election Day. Let me know if you are willing to help and we will find a job for you. I’ve had people say to me, “You don’t think people will really vote for him, do you?” The answer to that question is “yes” for several reasons. The biggest is they don’t know him and don’t understand what is going on. Another is they vote straight ticket by party, ignoring who is on the ballot. We can’t let that happen. I will appreciate any help I can get. Thanks for your consideration.: Categories
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