Exeter, United.
"The more you tell lies about me, the more we'll tell the truth about you."
2nd meeting I attended since. my move from California.
District Attorney's office begins investigation:
Allegations of Criminal Misconduct of Supervisor Reported Township issues Press Release few have seen. (See Solicitors reporting at 2:11:01 on agenda) (Click on "Read More" below to see agenda items and times) Plus confusion concerning the budget for 2020. Is there a surplus or a deficit. Watch as our finance director claims we have a $3.8 million surplus after implementing the Homestead act. The Homestead act will reduce incoming tax receipts by as much as $800,000 John Granger said in a recent meeting. No comments were made on increases or reductions of expenses. Appears to be complete confusion with the Board of Supervisors and the township staff....Surplus/Deficit and how much? Still questions of TRANSPARENCY remain. Thousands of dollars could have been saved by using paralegal to review the Right to Know Requests but law firm Fox and Rothschild used $250/hour attorneys. Supervisors do agree to appoint a committee consisting of no more than two supervisors and public citizens to review the Right to Know process here in Exeter. They also agreed to have a joint committee (two supervisors and private citizens) for reviewing and recommending the future of the RCC clubhouse. Lets see if these committees get off the ground and very soon! We need solutions not talk! If we can change Chairmen every three to six months why did we allow this seriously sick man sit as Chairboy for 9 months?
He still thinks he is in charge and can unilaterally decide to throw anyone out. Let us hope Mr. Speece controls the meetings and recognize the individual who has the floor because that is the only one who should be speaking. The disrespect for this boy is real. Why? He has intimidated and attacked at least 9 to 10 private citizens, lied consistently concerning township business. Seriously mislead the community and failed to serve the public with fidelity. He deserves no respect....in my opinion! Watching this video you will see the disorganization currently existing in our township. Much of it is caused by the Cusatis and his poor leadership and management. Also, the inexperience in the administration office. Mr. Cusatis did not perform his duties which required him to support, organize and manage the transition of the new supervisors. He failed miserably.
You will hear serious comments regarding the former board during public comment. People are not happy. You will see the bad behavior of Mr. Cusatis who continues to insult the public and often is laughing during the meeting. Hear him once again telling the Chief of Police if I make one more comment to remove me from the meeting again. CLICK ON "READ MORE" BELOW TO TAKE YOU TO THE INDEX AND THEN CLICK ON ANY OF THE TIMES TO SEE SPECIFIC PARTS OF THE VIDEO. I SUGGEST YOU CLICK ON 25:47, 25 MINUTES 47 SECONDS BELOW. Categories
July 2024