Exeter, United.
"The more you tell lies about me, the more we'll tell the truth about you."
Opinion from MR. Leonard Kramlich11/21/2019 Comment Hello and thank you for letting me express my thoughts. My father and I had Lennys Sanitation for over 45 yrs.Trajectly he was killed in 2006 when the cab of a truck fell and crushed him.He gave his life serving the township.In my opinion our former supervisors in the early 90s sold us out to the Mascaro family when they acquired 51% of the FR@S Landfill.Later to become Pioneer Crossing.What they should have done instead of trying to close it they should have bargained for a larger host fee,like Earl township did with the Colebrook Landfill,later to become Rolling Hills.By not doing so virtually allowed Mascaro to avoid paying Berks host fees and giving "Peanuts"to Exeter Township.They knew the landfill wouldn't go away and totally with no reguard to Exeter left a great opertunity slip thru their hands.And it goes even further.Our County Commissioners,Bagenstose,Carabello and Reber where in my opinion on the take with [email protected] let's look at Mark Scott.Head of the Berks Solid Waste Commity at the time.He sued and received millions of dollars from Waste Management for bordering the Pottstown Landfill.He should have stepped down from the solid waste Commity for conflict of interest.And he at the time was pushing for FLOW CONTROL so are waste would be directed to NEW MORGAN landfill owned by BFI,Browning Ferris Industries of Houston Texas.If his land was in jeporty why did he build a new house on the same parsal.Getting back to Mascaro,They started buying up property in Exeter under MB IVESTMENTS.Mascaro only excepts about 9% of Berks trash.So we Exeter residents are the dumping grounds for New York and Jersey trash and get nothing in return.I have been approached several times by residents of Exeter to take a shot at running for supervisor but not sure if I would want to.Our family buissnes served over 3500 residential homes and 200 Businesses.I am giving lots of thought to running as I get older.At56 yrs old And raising 2 daughters attending Exeter School district and servicing the residents of this township the thought of being a watchdog on the board keeps entering my mind.And in no way am I politically grandstanding with my comments.Thank you for giving me the opportunity to make my comments. From time to time We will publish opinions received by our readers and encourage participation. keep reading our information, participation is encouraged snd appropriate submissions will be published. This is solely the opinion and expression of Leonard Kramlich.
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