Exeter, United.
"The more you tell lies about me, the more we'll tell the truth about you."
In my Opinion, As an Elected Supervisor of Exeter Township: During January 6th Supervisors Meeting (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py83zvfsncs&t=7417s)(TIME STAMP 1:43:13) a motion was requested by me for the board to acknowledge that I would supervise the advertising and offer for sale of the promenade. Instead, Chairman Bell made a motion for me to support the Solicitor, Mr. Chadwick Schnee of the law firm of Tucker Hull. I voted “NO” on this motion because it placed me in a subservient role to a contractor. And (so predictably) here’s what’s on the agenda for January 23, 2023 Supervisor’s meeting, under the “Administration” Section:
This is another blatant lie from Chadwick Schnee, that solicitor who very recently had to withdraw a lawsuit against a journalist because he was completely violating their first amendment rights and he was about to lose!!! As a matter of fact, his shameful attempt to reverse my role as an elected official , probably to generate even more billable hours for his firm, is wrong! It is clearly stated in the 2nd class township code under Section 607 “The duties of the Supervisor” that: Section 607. Duties of Supervisors. --The board of supervisors shall: A few days after this supervisor meeting, here’s the super condescending note from Schnee directing me to “work with them” and adding a second lawyer to the equation (anyone senses the sweet smell of dollar bills?): Chadwick Schnee<[email protected]> For those who have the courage to pay attention and do their homework, such tasks are generally the prerogative of township managers, and certainly not a $215/hour legal advisor, let alone a second law firm colleague. As a matter of fact, by February, our township manager will cost us $52/hour as an exempt employee ($110,000/year). So here’s the reply note I sent to Schnee: Dear Chadwick, And, very predictably again, here’s the equally condescending reply from Schnee, with of course, “the motion I asked for” being another blatant lie his part. From: Chadwick Schnee<[email protected]> Also ….. getting me re-engaged? Seriously? I am THE MOST ENGAGED supervisor in this township and I take my responsibilities stated above in Section 607 very seriously. I work very hard and I pay attention. The last paragraph requesting the Pell report? Schnee is in constant contact with the township manager who can provide any information he needs. As usual, similar to his “cease and desist” order that went nowhere, he ends his correspondence with yet another seemingly benign yet completely disingenuous request “Are you free tomorrow for a call?” Let’s not forget he is charging the township’s taxpayers for all these nonsensical emails and phone calls. lastly, I will underline Schnee’s comment that “the Board delegated/authorized my firm to handle this work”: Why would the board give this work to the solicitor at $215/hour instead of the current $135/hour of the interim manager? Better still, why not wait until February when the interim manager begins as a salaried employee at $52.88/hour? The Answer: QUID PRO QUO. Follow the money. Exeter Township is most likely the top account at Tucker Hull - Schnee is billing us 40+ hours a week, WHY DOES THIS TOWNSHIP NEED A FULL TIME LAWYER? Here’s a quick reminder of the role of a solicitor in the 2ND CLASS TOWNSHIP CODE: Section 1103. Duties of Solicitor. --The township solicitor, when directed or requested so to do, shall prepare or approve any bonds, obligations, contracts, leases, conveyances, ordinances and assurances to which the township may be a party. The township solicitor shall commence and prosecute all actions brought by the township for or on account of any of the estates, rights, trusts, privileges, claims or demands, as well as defend the township or any township officer against all actions or suits brought against the township or township officer in which any of the estates, rights, privileges, trusts, ordinances or accounts of the township may be brought in question before any court in this Commonwealth and do every professional act incident to the office which the township solicitor may be authorized or required to do by the board of supervisors or by any resolution. The township solicitor shall furnish the board of supervisors, upon request, with an opinion in writing upon any question of law.
In conclusion, all of this is another example of Mr. Schnee engaging in the management of our township and routinely now undermining the boards authority, and especially mine, for profit. And he lies about it! How shameful and unprofessional!
The lies, recklessness and negligence must stop. Schnee must resign immediately!
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