Exeter, United.
"The more you tell lies about me, the more we'll tell the truth about you."
ARROGANCE? OR DECEPTION?2/21/2023 In my Opinion, As an Elected Supervisor of Exeter Township: In 2023, we’re more than often to judge a book by its cover. But in reality, it’s always interesting to scratch the surface to uncover one’s true nature and agenda …… Here’s a great example. My attempt to obtain purchase orders for $347,000 in equipment purchases. A CONVERSATION WITH BETSY McBRIDE My initial request sent to Ms. McBride: Dear Mary, For the items purchased below please provide the purchase orders and the dates advertised in the Reading Eagle along with the copy:
As an experienced 2nd class township manager, I think you know this so please accept my apologies for stating the obvious. Sincerely, Supervisor David Hughes Betsy McBrides reply: Dear Supervisor Hughes, There is no doubt in my mind that you are going to be displeased with this response. The following is from the June 27, 2022 minutes: This ordinance can be found on the township website under the June 27, 2022 agenda. Perhaps this will cause you to re-think your thoughts on what actions I should and should not take. If not, please do not hesitate to let me know. As for your referencing my experience, my curiosity mounts, what is yours? Sincerely, Mare McBride Exeter Township Manager Note: ordinance 849 references duties of the Chief of Police and have noting to do with purchase orders or the bidding process required by the state laws. MY REPLY: Dear Ms. McBride, This is ordinance regarding the powers of the police chief and has nothing to do with purchase orders or advertisements for bids. Could you please explain what you are suggesting? I honestly don't understand. Thanks, Supervisor David Hughes Betsy McBrides reply: Put simply, Supervisor Hughes, who is responsible for managing the activities of the Police Department under Ordinance #849? Would I overstep my bounds telling a department, Fire, Police, etc, that reports to you and four others, but not to me, what to do? Ms. McBride Exeter Township Manager Note: I am not suggesting telling the Police Chief anything, I am asking for the purchase orders and advertisement. MY REPLY: Ms. McBride, Again, I am at a loss, I am not inquiring about the police other than purchase requests and advertising of the bids. This would be the purchasing manager's job if we had one. This is an administration function. I have left a message with the chief concerning this matter. The Chief and the police deal with police matters. Administration deals with purchasing and procurement. This is why I am asking you for the information in my initial email. Do I miss understand, are you saying the Chief is responsible for the procurement process? As I understand the process as described below, if you could where is my misunderstanding? In Pennsylvania, the use of COSTARS (Cooperative Purchasing Program) does not completely eliminate the need for competitive bidding, but it can streamline the procurement process for certain types of goods and services. COSTARS is a cooperative purchasing program that enables eligible local public procurement units and state-affiliated entities to purchase items and services from COSTARS-approved suppliers at pre-negotiated prices. The program is designed to help public entities save time and money on procurement by leveraging the buying power of the state. While the use of COSTARS allows public entities to bypass some of the traditional bidding processes, it is important to note that not all purchases can be made through the program without any competitive bidding. For purchases under $10,000, a public entity can simply choose a COSTARS-approved supplier and issue a purchase order. For purchases between $10,000 and $25,000, a public entity must solicit quotes from at least three COSTARS-approved suppliers. For purchases over $25,000, a public entity must follow the state's formal bidding process, which may involve advertising the opportunity, receiving and reviewing bids, and awarding the contract to the most qualified supplier. In summary, while the use of COSTARS can streamline the procurement process for certain purchases, it does not completely eliminate the need for competitive bidding in Pennsylvania. Thanks, Supervisor David Hughes BETSY McBRIDES REPLY: Supervisor Hughes, This was completely discussed during the budget workshop sessions. This is my statement: The Police Department is separate from Finance, Public Works, Engineering, etc. I do not understand what you do not understand. Perhaps the attached, Section 3102 (h) from the Second Class Township Code, may be of assistance. Shall I ask the Township Solicitor to opine? I recall discussion during the last meeting where the Solicitor asked you for clarity on a request you must have made prior to the last Board meeting. I do not recall that clarification being given. I, too, now need clarity from you. Thank you. Ms. McBride Exeter Township Manager MY REPLY: Dear Mary McBride and Supervisor George Bell, Discussions in budget workshops and separation of department do not allow for ignoring the state statute concerning purchases. Referencing sec. 3102 (h) which identifies purchase exempt from advertising does not apply to these four purchases. It is good and proper that you are familiar with this section, could you point to the specific item or items 1 thru 9 that you now claim exempts these purchases from the statute? Thanks, Supervisor David Hughes BETSY McBRIDES REPLY: Dear Supervisor Hughes, I suspect this is yet another issue where you cannot be satisfied with my response or possibly even the response of the Township Solicitor. Perhaps contact with the Attorney General or PSATS may provide an answer which you would doubt less. Sincerely, Mare McBride Exeter Township Manager MY REPLY: Dear Mary McBride and Supervisor George Bell (CFA) After much effort, I am now certain that no purchase orders exist, advertisements were not placed and no copy is available, and you are unable to be specific regarding the exemption per Sec 3102 (h) that you referenced, which does not pertain to our internal process of creating a purchase order to track and verify the purchase for term, payment and specifics. One last time, and this is now a simple yes or no answer: can you confirm the existence of purchase orders and advertisements for these purchases. If yes, please send them to me at your earliest convenience. Thanks, Supervisor David Hughes BETSY McBRIDES REPLY: Supervisor Hughes, It was disheartening to see you added CFA next to the name of a recipient on an earlier email. I can think of no honorable reason to do such. I have removed this person from this response. Since my email, timed 3:06 pm today, seems to be unacceptable to you, I have included the Board liaison to the Police Department, Supervisor Vollmer, to this email. Perhaps Supervisor Vollmer’s input, should he choose to participate in this, will be more helpful to you. Sincerely, Mare McBride Exeter Township Manager I am Inserting a comment here as looks like someone isn't really knowledgeable of the term CFA = Certified Financial Adviser, which is actually appropriate when addressing M. Bell, who is a Certified Financial Adviser. (More to come on this later .....) Supervisor Vollmers Reply: Supervisor Hughes, The Township Solicitor opined on each of these requests by the Police Department during the course of the February 13th meeting. The meeting can be watched here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUecb6DDWW0 If you start watching at 32:26 you will see that there was adequate discussion. Our Solicitor who is qualified and has been practicing Municipal Law since 2009, and is a member of the Bar, agreed there are no issues with approving 4 of the purchases. The Board discussed and then voted and the majority carried to approve. Not all of the requests proceeded to approval. One motion was withdrawn with a suggestion for a formal RFP process to be followed. I hope this reminder of the discussions that took place on each item is helpful to you. and perhaps will allow you to accept the validity of acquiring these items that did receive approval and that the Police have researched and let us know are necessary. I will advise the township Manager and the Chief of Police to no longer engage you on these matters as they were voted on and approved and now you are wasting their time and energy. Thank you. David Vollmer Jr Exeter Township Supervisor (Appointed By David Hughes) UNSUCCESSFUL IN OBTAINING THE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THE FOUR ITEMS, I HAVE REQUESTED THE POLICY AND PROCEDURES FOR PURCHASING: Dear Mary, Coming back to my initial ask: can you provide me with copies of the purchase orders related to approved purchases from the Feb 13th meeting. In addition, I am now curious: can you also please provide me with the policy and procedures for purchasing related to both professional services and capital equipment. And ... also curious: who receives and processes purchase orders? Thank you, Supervisor David Hughes BETSY McBRIDES REPLY:
Supervisor Hughes, How about if I put this discussion on the agenda and the Board, if needed, can make a motion for something or another and take a vote? Perhaps the wording can be: Approve/Reject/Table a majority of the Board to authorize requests to staff made by any one or two Board members. I know this will be misinterpreted but I simply do not have extra hours each week to dedicate to your queries. I am sorry for not having the time; this is a consequence of downsizing. The benefit is savings in money, the drawback is no time for any extras, extra analysis, extra filing, etc. Thank you. Betsy McBride Exeter Township Manager
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