Exeter, United.
"The more you tell lies about me, the more we'll tell the truth about you."
ADVICE FROM SUPERVISOR TED GARDELLA2/16/2023 In my Opinion, As an Elected Supervisor of Exeter Township: It’s really informative to read the following garbage from Gardella and to note that he’s never provided any documented proof of all the fabrications he’s put in his censure documents - so here we go Teddy, how about this: FOR EACH POINT YOU”RE MAKING IN THE DIATRIBE BELOW, HOW ABOUT YOU PROVIDE US WITH AT LEAST 3 DOCUMENTED EXAMPLES (video, copy, emails, etc) Dave - Evidently your reading comprehension is at a very low level. So, I am attaching documents that were shared with you in June, hoping that they will refresh your memory. A censure resolution is an assembly’s expression of displeasure concerning the conduct of either a member or of an officer. Have you not yet been able to interpret the many verbal cues about your behavior? Also, you really need to take the time to read the censure. It was not premature - it described behavior that you had already engaged in prior to the passage of the resolution. Here were the observed behaviors that led to the resolution: WHEREAS, since taking office, Mr. Hughes has undertaken a series of improper and unprofessional actions including, but not limited to:
Your behavior since the resolution has only provided support for it - think about how you treat Betsy or Chad publicly. Seriously, take a few moments to actually read the document, rather than just whining and complaining about it. Have a great evening! Theodore (Ted) Gardella Exeter Township Supervisor This communication was received on February 13, 2023 after a Board of Supervisors meeting. Also, after harassment training and after the adoption of a revised ordinance on Supervisor behavior. This is not the first such correspondence from Supervisor Gardella. I have received similar emails in the past.
Supervisor Gardella admits in a Reading Eagle article "Supervisor Teddy Gardella said he drafted the censure against Hughes for improper and unprofessional conduct and behavior, including "engaging in behavior designed to intimidate and bully township residents, employees and members of the board." Follow this link for the full story: https://www.wfmz.com/news/area/berks/exeter-wont-pay-for-outside-legal-counsel-for-supervisor/article_2c94b032-3321-11ed-a928-875373ae831b.html Recent exposure of the results of an investigation into what now was clearly unfounded allegations of harassment were reported by journalist Jerry Geleff. This investigation was commenced at my request and started before Supervisor Gardella was on the board of supervisors. As the article states (follow link above) Supervisor Gardella wrote this censure and much of it closely suggests Supervisor Gardella used information from this investigation believing the results would support his version or believing the conclusions from the investigation would never see the light of day. With this background lets look at Supervisor Gardella's censure: Basically, all of the allegations concerning my behavior are not substantiated by any facts. Supervisor Gardella has manufactured his own reality. When Mr. Geleff published the conclusions arrived at by the 43 page investigation much of that disproved Supervisor Gardella's allegations. This censure was created prior to the completion of the investigative report on alleged harassment complaints which are now known to be malicious and false. NO FACTS HAVE EVER BEEN PROVIDED BY SUPERVISOR GARDELLA TO SUBSTANTIATE HIS ALLEGATIONS IN THIS CENSURE. LET HIM PROVIDE AT A MINIMUM OF THREE EXAMPLES OF IMPROPER AND UNPROFESSIONAL ACTIONS. WHAT WE CAN SHOW ARE VIDEO TAPE AND WRITTEN EXAMPLES OF SUPERVISOR GARDELLA ACTING AND DOING PRECISELY WHAT HE HAS ACCUSED ME OF DOING.
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