Exeter, United.
"The more you tell lies about me, the more we'll tell the truth about you."
Monday, May 10th, 2021 7:00PM MY OPINION @ 00:01 PUBLIC COMMENTS: @ 19:24 Comments on Agenda Items ANNOUNCEMENTS @ 21:48 1. Memorial Day Parade REGULAR APPROVALS @ 22:36 1. Vacancy Board Minutes – April 26, 2021 2. Regular Minutes – April 26, 2021 @ 22:51 3. Disbursements – May 10, 2021 @ 23:22 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Monthly Golf Report @ 25:12 ▪ This report is available for review on the Township website. 2. Monthly Right to Know Report @27:50 ▪ This report is available for review on the Township website. 3. Update on Outstanding Sewer Acounts Receivable Balance. @ 30:30 ▪ The administration will provide an update on outstanding sewer accounts, and ongoing efforts to collect on the balance. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consider Resolution Approving the Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement to rejoin the County’s UCC Board of Appeals. @ 34:33 ▪ The Agreement to establish and continue the Berks County Uniform Construction Code (UCC) Board of Appeals in cooperation with Berks County and other participating municipalities within the County. 2. Discussion on Park Pavilion Rentals @ 38:58 ▪ The administration will provide a status update to the Board on current COVID-19 protocols and present for consideration the potential reopening of outddor rental facilities. 3. Consider Accepting Deed of Dedication of Right of Way at 6112 Perkiomen Avenue @ 45:20 ▪ The developer is offering Deed of Dedication of additional Right of Way along Perkiomen Avenue. A requirement of the MDC 23-2-03 Land Development Plan. 4. Consider Accepting a Permanent Sidewalk Easement at 6112 Perkiomen Avenue @ 48:00 ▪ The Township requests an easement be granted by properties in order to permit future improvements. A requirement of the MDC 23-23-03 Land Development Plan. 5. Discussion on Resuming In-Person Public Meetings for Township Boards and Commissions ▪ Due to new State directives regarding public gatherings, the Board will discuss future public meetings format. @ 48:36 DEPARTMENT REPORTS. @ 57:37 PUBLIC COMMENT – General Non-Agenda Items @ 1:04:53 CAITLAIN ON MASCARO POOR RECYCLE PICK UP @ 1:05:04 David Hughes ON REACTIVE VS. PROACTIVE @ 1:06:36 SUPERVISOR REPORTS. @ 1:08:54
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