Exeter, United.
"The more you tell lies about me, the more we'll tell the truth about you."
REMEMBER CLICK ON "READ MORE" AND THEN PICK ANY AGENDA ITEM AND CLICK ON THE TIME SHOWN AFTER THE @ AND IT WILL TAKE YOU TO THAT TOPIC Interesting meeting, many issues, some very unusual moments. Reading the draft minutes for this meeting I feel like I was at a different meeting altogether. The minutes in many places do not reflect what was said. Watch the 1st public comment section, first Joe Staub speaks, Cusatis listens intently, then I speak and Cusatis is fumbling around, looking here, looking there, writing, anything but listening to my comments. If you see what I see, childish behavior, juvenile, adolescent behavior unbecoming someone who should be a role model. His behavior is an insult to all Exeter residents. During the second public comment hear Vinnie Biancone claiming that by simply moving my lips I was calling him an idiot? Why would I do that? But wait, Mrs. Cusatis claims she heard my lips moving...imagine that? Then, hear me ask the board to REMOVE CUSATIS as chairman of the Board. At the very end of the public comment listen to the gentleman who reports that a vendor was selling sex toys at the fall festival.....Cusatis say he knows about this vendor from May Day ....how did he possibly get to work the Fall Festival? Have fun watching the Exeter Township Supervisors Comedy Hour. Public hearing on solar panel regulations @ 15:00
Public comments @ 16:00 Approval of minutes and disbursements @ 25:50 OLD BUSINESS: 1. Monthly Golf Report @ 28:15 2. Monthly Right to know Requests @ 29:35 3. Discussion on Fund Transfer Policy @ 30:56 4. Discussion of Per Capita Tax @ 32:50 5. Approve amendment to Investment Management/Custody fee Agreement @ 34:40 6. Approve Proposal of Cervone Golf Design for $8,500 @ 35:46 7. Discuss 2020 Budget @ 43:21 NEW BUSINESS 1. Adopt ordinance establishing solar panel regulations @ 58:00 2. adopt resolution authorizing payments to the three pension plans @ 58:20 3. Direct solicitor to prepare documentation to create a trust to manage the township OPEB trust @ 58:53 4. Direct Administration to advertise. for residents to fill positions on the police pension and OPEB trust @ 59:50 5. Authorize request for proposal for investment services @ 1:00:35 6.Approve the agreement with Roth Acoustics for site visit to the township and neighbors for sound levels @ 1:01:12 7. Approve proposal to acquire software package, managerplus in amount of $5,915 @ 1:31:48 DEPARTMENT REPORTS @ 1:32:45 ENGINEER REPORT @ 1:36:13 SOLICITOR REPORT @ 1:38:45 MANAGER REPORT @ 1:40:32 PUBLIC COMMENT @ 1:43:10 SUPERVISOR REPORT @ 2:01:52
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July 2024