Exeter, United.
"The more you tell lies about me, the more we'll tell the truth about you."
Aug. 14 2023 Board of supervisors meeting Schnee Legal Services caught in a lie to the public.8/28/2023 In my Opinion, As an Elected Supervisor of Exeter Township: A glaring two minutes of sheer absurdity courtesy of Schnee Legal Services. The TL;DR: The roles of Chairman and Vice Chairman on the board aren't elected positions. They're designated solely at the Board of Supervisors' discretion. Hence, it's absolutely permissible for any supervisor to put forth a motion to remove the Vice Chairman during a public meeting, regardless of whether it's listed on the published agenda. This is elementary knowledge for even a novice attorney acquainted with the 2nd class township code. And yet, here we have Solicitor Schnee Legal Services, muddying the waters and contradicting himself in an extraordinary display of incompetence
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In my Opinion, As an Elected Supervisor of Exeter Township: ![]() Buckle up folks, it's time to dive into the intriguing world of Schnee Legal Services! This is a place where subtlety takes a backseat as direct and indirect bullying, intimidation, and retaliation become the flavor of the day, especially against those bold enough to voice opinions they don't fancy. The irony? This negatively impacts the open conversation between citizens and their government, all while the spotlight-hogging, Chadwick Schnee plays the victim card, despite being the main instigator. Oh, and let's not forget, all of this drama unfolds while your hard-earned tax dollars keep his pockets lined. The image you see above is a screenshot from Facebook, illustrating an event as commonplace as posting a review about Schnee Legal Services on Google - an activity within the right of every citizen. However, it appears that any review expressing an unfavorable opinion towards Schnee Legal Services triggers an immediate impulse in them to silence differing perspectives. This persistent trend is omnipresent, whether it pertains to a Google review or ensuring the citizens are adequately informed about their local governance. Schnee Legal Services seem to exert extraordinary effort, even working beyond regular hours, to suppress any content they deem as contrary. Such actions are inappropriate for a public forum and shouldn't be financed by Exeter taxpayers. And now, for the pièce de résistance (drumroll, please)... below you'll find a message from Mr. Schnee himself, dated August 4th, 2023, served to you verbatim, fresh and unedited! I'll hold my peace for now, choosing not to comment on his bewildering and erratic allegations. It's important to highlight that Mr. Schnee appears to overlook the fact that his role is within a local government, not a private entity. As such, Mr. Schnee should be aware that the standards and scrutiny applied to an average law practitioner and his firm are indeed high, extensively shared, and aimed to inform the public, who are footing the bill for his lackluster services. Needless to say, the bar is set much higher, Chadwick... And that's without intending a pun. Supervisor Hughes, As you are aware, the Township’s agreement with my firm contains the following non-disparagement provision: Non-disparagement: You, on behalf of the Township, its public officials and employees, agree to not disparage or make any defamatory or slanderous statements about this firm and/or Attorney J. Chadwick Schnee, Esq. through any means, including but not limited to social media postings, conversations or written materials. Any violation of the non-disparagement provision of this Agreement shall entitle the other party to bring a legal action for appropriate equitable relief as well as damages. In addition to any other rights or remedies available at law, in equity, or by statute, the parties consent to the specific enforcement of the non-disparagement provision of this Agreement through an injunction or restraining order issued by an appropriate court, without the requirement of posting a bond. Further, we agree that this firm may assess an additional fee up to $1,000.00 per violation, up to an annual maximum of $10,000.00, of the non-disparagement provision of this Agreement. On Sunday, July 30, 2023, I became aware of a Google Review that you listed on my business page stating as follows: I have watched this "attorney" and his work at Exeter Township. Don't ever consider hiring this "attorney". Exeter is like a mess. I am familiar with how Solicitors operate in township environments and this guy is still in school. If I could give less than one star, I would. I am a supervisor in this township and have had the unfortunate experience of working with this biased, hypocritical, passive/aggressive unprofessional so-called "attorney." He should never have been hired after he left the firm we originally contracted with, Tucker Hull, LLC. If you want to WASTE money on unnecesary legal fees, if you want your solicitor to participate in your politics and if you want your solicitor to insert himself in management ....hire Schnee. Otherwise, hard pass. Attached is a screenshot from your Facebook page where you chose to further disseminate your musings. While Google removed this review, others have seen this review and re-published it on the Exeter Examiner Facebook page. On Monday, July 31, 2023, I learned that you had filed an appeal with the Office of Open Records (a copy of which is attached here) in which you published the following statements to the OOR as part of its official public record: a. The Solicitor “exhibits corrupt practices and incompetence;” see Official Notice of Appeal at 15; b. The Solicitor “has entangled himself in both the administrative and political spheres of the township’s operations;” id. at 13; c. The Solicitor’s “actions are driven by personal financial motives;” id.; d. The “three appointed, as opposed to elected, supervisors [have] ceded unchecked control of our township’s operations to [the] Solicitor…;” id.; e.The Solicitor was “dismiss[ed] from his previous position at Tucker Hull due to alleged malpractice and overextension involving Exeter Township;” id.; f. The Solicitor has a “under-resourced, nascent legal practice, lacking in experience, capital, and supportive infrastructure…”, id.; and g. The Solicitor has “manupulat[ed]… public records like meeting minutes … turning these factual records into politically biased commentary and tools for character defamation.” As a result of your false, disparaging, unconscionable and entirely irrelevant statements, the Township was forced to file a Motion to Strike these odious allegations. What makes these statements all the more troubling is that (1) you are aware that these statements (in particular, the fiction that I was “dismissed” from Tucker Hull or that there was ever any allegation of “malpractice” or “overextension involving Exeter Township”); (2) you are aware of the existence of the non-disparagement provision of the contract with Schene Legal Services; and (3) you actively decided to violate it anyway. Your comments are unquestionably disparaging and defamatory in nature, especially where such comments are clearly intended to harm the reputation of Schnee Legal Services and discourage potential clients from engaging in services with my firm. Accordingly, your Google Review and published statements to the OOR are in violation of the non-disparagement provision of the Township’s agreement with Schnee Legal Services. I want to provide you with an opportunity to immediately retract your statements to the OOR so that the Township taxpayers can avoid being assessed an additional fee of $1,000.00 solely due to your disparaging and defamatory remarks. I’d also note that, under Section 907 of the Second Class Township Code, the Board of Auditors has the power to “surcharge any elected … officer for the amount of any loss to the township caused in whole or in part by the officer’s act or omission….” I would respectfully suggest that you should consider refraining from making disparaging comments about or my firm in the future. Thank you for your attention to this matter. J. Chadwick Schnee, Esq. Schnee Legal Services, LLC 74 E Main Street #648 Lititz, PA 17543 (717) 400-5955 [email protected] http://www.schneelegal.com Categories
July 2024